Teenagers and Kindness

Teenagers and Kindness…⁣⁣
As the #homestretchhomeschooling ladies and I bring our series on the Fruits of the Spirit to this new year with a discussion about Kindness, I’m thinking of the ways that watching the Holy Spirit sanctify my son has edified me.⁣
The fruits of the Spirit are His, and a mother cannot place them on externally.⁣
As the Spirit fashions both myself and my teenager into the image of Christ, I am learning so much about the genuine nature of the work He does compared to anything I could fabricate. ⁣
I’m also learning more and more that I can trust Him with my children. ♥️⁣
A Few Things God Has Been Teaching Me About Kindness and My Son: ⁣⁣
1️⃣ Niceness and Kindness Aren’t Equivalent⁣
As someone who was indoctrinated into fundamentalism, I grew up believing that women should be “nice” and sweet above all else. ⁣

This “niceness” distorted true meekness and also my ability to recognize true kindness.⁣

If I’m not intentional, I can miss my son’s genuine acts of kindness simply because he’s not as demonstratively “nice” as I imagine he “should” be. ⁣
2️⃣ Kindness Can’t Be Moralized or Manipulated⁣
There’s nothing like a teenager to root out your tendency to moralize (and to call you on it). 😏⁣

While I certainly maintain boundaries against unkindness, I’ve also had to learn that I can’t force or require specific acts of kindness and expect a genuinely kind person to be the result. ⁣
3️⃣ Kindness Isn’t Dependent Upon Personality or Mood⁣
Listen, teenagers are moody and broody and we all know that. 😜 They are navigating the most physically and mentally challenging years of development and this impacts their ability to regulate their moods. ⁣

This is a fact that God is well aware of as the designer of these developing bodies and the Holy Spirit works within it. ⁣
He also speaks the language of introversion. ⁣

In both cases, kindness is often on display in a way that I’d miss if I wasn’t intentional not to. ⁣

Kindness in the homestretch isn’t always over-the-top and loudly “cheerful”, but it’s there. ⁣
For More: ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
@juiceboxhomeschool ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
@rootedinrest ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

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