Healthy (and Biblical) Motherhood: Part 2

Healthy humanity requires boundaries. ⁣⁣
And, our relationships with our children are not an exception. ⁣⁣
We can not expect to raise respectful, honorable, self-aware, emotionally healthy children while allowing them to disrespect, demean, and disregard us as humans. ⁣

That isn’t “biblical motherhood”. What we require and model here speaks louder than what we say. ⁣
Here are a few MORE boundaries I have with my children: ⁣⁣

(See my first post for more) ⁣
1️⃣ This Home Isn’t Just My Work, It Is Also My Sanctuary⁣
I work extremely hard to make, manage, and maintain this home with the aim of creating a safe and sacred place for my family to dwell and delight in. ⁣

This space is also mine to dwell and delight in. ⁣

I don’t just work here, I LIVE here. ⁣

I require certain spaces to be mine alone, I require organization, and I make no apologies for having spaces restored before I sit down to rest within them. ⁣

I am impacted by clutter and mess so I require it to be picked up several times a day. This isn’t “over the top” or “too Type A”. ⁣

It is honoring my need for a space that fills and settles me. ⁣
2️⃣ I Am Your Dad’s Wife⁣

I will have private conversations with him, I will have inside jokes with him, and I will spend plenty of time with him alone. ⁣

We have a bedroom that is ours alone, and I require it to be respected as such. ⁣

We don’t even keep a TV in our room because we believe there’s three things that should be happening in here: sleep, talking, and… 😘 ⁣

So, we also don’t need kids in here. ⁣
This isn’t your hangout, and a closed door means go away unless it’s an emergency. ⁣

3️⃣ I Have Friends and I Will Spend Time With Them⁣
Relationships matter, and friendships are integral in every life. Motherhood doesn’t exclude me from that. ⁣

I invite my friends into my home, and I spend time with them in the general living space, requiring my children to entertain themselves and not hover over our conversations. ⁣

They are not entitled to inserting themselves into my time with my friends, and it isn’t rude to require them to honor the fact that all relationships need private and protected time and space.


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