High School, Here We Come


🎵There are some things that you should know.⁣
At times the world ⁣
gets awfully cold.⁣
But I’ll still be there.⁣
You’ll grow up and make mistakes.⁣
Find roads ⁣
that are still unpaved.⁣
But I’ll still be there.⁣
I can’t catch your every fall,⁣
But I’ll be there if you call,⁣
As long as my heart is beating.⁣
I can never stop the rain,⁣
But I’ll come for you in pain,⁣
As long as I’m still breathing.⁣

I’ll always love you more than you’ll ever know.⁣
I’ll always love you more than you’ll ever know.⁣
I’ll always love you no matter where you go.⁣

Oh, you’ll always ⁣
have a home. 🎵⁣
~John Legend⁣

In less than 20 hours, we will sit down together to officially begin your high school career. ⁣

The lessons are planned. ⁣
The books are chosen. ⁣
The road map is drawn. ⁣

Everything is ready… ⁣
Except for my heart. ⁣

I know that it’s only 9th grade, and I plan to savor every bit of this. ⁣

But I also know that the very nature of these next four years will ensure that our eyes are ever on the “end”, right from the start. ⁣

I am excited. ⁣

But, it also hurts with a tangible, physical, guttural pain. And, I’m not sorry for that. ⁣

Yes, there’s so much joy. ⁣
I love these years where you’re my friend and a worthy sparring partner in any intellectual match. 😘 ⁣

I love this time of manhood emerging and boyhood having disappeared. ⁣

I love our conversations and the wondrous (and sometimes ridiculous) things you introduce me to. ⁣

I love all that is upon us and all that is ahead.⁣

But I also miss all that we’ve left behind. ⁣

Because I know how very fractured motherhood can be, I have cherished all of it deeply. Oh, I’ve certainly failed and floundered.⁣

But, I can honestly say I’ve given every minute of it everything I have… ⁣

And I’ll keep doing that, Bud. Forever. ⁣

It hurts so badly my heart may break and it is so much fun that my heart may burst. ⁣

It’s all of it at once, and I’m so incredibly thankful that I get to do it with you. ⁣

Please know that you’ll never need to be or measure up to anything in order for me to be in your corner… ⁣

I love you always. ⁣

And, truly, you’ll always have a home. ⁣

High School, here we come. ♥️⁣

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