2024 Fitness Goals


Becoming a weightlifter revolutionized my life, and because of that, fitness is a pillar of my life and days.

Through lifting, I went from barely functional to thriving, and much more importantly, I went from being mentally fragile to gritty and disciplined. 

Something incredible happens when sanctification touches every part of our lives and our existence, and when the fragmented parts of us synchronize.

Ignoring my physical health and succumbing to victimization of my degenerative diseases for so long was stunting every other area of my personhood, in ways I couldn't have known until the fog of my poor health lifted and I came fully alive.

I went from crawling at times because I couldn't stand on my own two feet, to picking up amounts of weight that I couldn't even have conceived would be possible for my arthritic body.

I started out crying through every workout and wanting to quit daily...

The only way through it was through it...

And now I'm stronger than I ever knew I could be..

I love the challenge and the hard work...

And I'll never look back.

Here are my Fitness/Health goals for 2024:

💪 Complete a 5000 Rep Leg Workout (then repeat)

💪 Squat 200 for Full Sets of 12

💪 Improve Heavy Squat Form

💪 Bench Press 135 (Current PR 100)

💪 Military Press 120 (Current PR 95)

💪 Increase Push Ups (without whining like a baby 🤣)

💪 Work Hard on Triceps (my least favorite) and See Gains

💪 Alternate Rep Workouts and Tonnage Workouts Intentionally for Form and Power

💪 Return to 3 Leg Days a Week and Focus on Power

💪 Clean 60 (Current Full Set Weight: 45)

💪 Curl 50 (Current Full Set Weight: 30, Current PR 40)

💪 Push Myself Hard (2023 was a year of mostly Maintenace, so I'm ready for a year of killing myself 🤣)

Do you have fitness goals for this year? I'd love to cheer you on!

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