How We Do: Logic and Critical Thinking


🧠 Critical Thinking⁣⁣

I speak often about the responsibility I feel that I bear to raise good thinkers (and communicators), and the intentionality that I invest into our homeschool to do so. ⁣⁣
We study philosophy & psychology, take a meaty approach to Theology, examine all cultures and religions and worldviews, discuss and debate every issue from every perspective, and read very widely. ⁣⁣
Nothing is “off the table” at our table, and the primary thing on display in our lessons and discussions is that I truly believe in my children’s personhood. ⁣⁣
They can not, and should not, be political or theological or philosophical carbon copies of me, and if they are I will have failed. ⁣⁣
Thinking is an integral and foundational part of my homeschooling philosophy. ⁣⁣
Aside from everything I mentioned above, there are two primary places in our homeschooling week that I address “Thinking” directly: ⁣⁣
🧠1️⃣ Critical Thinking Loop⁣⁣
Once a week, as a group, we rotate through various forms of critical thinking exercises and Logic Games. ⁣⁣
This keeps “Thinking” both multifaceted and communal. ⁣⁣
A few things we’re currently rotating through: ⁣⁣
πŸ“– A Variety of Logic Games⁣⁣
πŸ“– Pencil and Paper Games (Paper Pie/Usborne) 
πŸ“– Memory Games (Paper Pie/ Usborne) ⁣⁣
πŸ“– One Minute Mysteries and Brain Teasers Series by Sandy Silverthorne⁣⁣
πŸ“– Baker Street Whodunits by Tom Bullimore⁣⁣
πŸ“– Evan Moor Critical and Creative Thinking (not pictured) ⁣⁣

🧠2️⃣ Logic Lessons ⁣⁣
Once each week, both boys also have individual Logic Lessons with me, following a grade by grade progression. ⁣⁣
My youngest is currently using: ⁣⁣
πŸ“– Grids for Kids series from ⁣⁣
He will then move on to Another Logic Workbook for Gritty Kids, will finish the Grids for Kids Series, and then will start Analogies. ⁣⁣
My oldest is currently using⁣⁣
πŸ“– Traditional Logic 1 from Memoria Press⁣⁣
He has followed my planned progression (with tweaks) through Games, Puzzles, Analogies, the Fallacy Detective, etc and will continue to. ⁣⁣
πŸ’‘ You can learn more about that progression in my Logic Workshop and my Logic Highlight over on the Delightfully Feasting Instagram. 

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